29.03.18 | Half Day Animation Masterclass in Dublin with Ryan Woodward (Credits: Tomorrowland, Avengers Assemble, The Iron Giant, Thought of You)

Master Class Title:

This half-day master class will cover Ryan’s theories and approach to animation and the value of understanding the depth of characters and story structure.

Participant Profile:
This master class is aimed at graduates and professionals who want to further their understanding of animation.

Ryan Woodward has worked in the film, animation and gaming industry in various roles such as animator, storyboard artist and director for 23 years. He began his career in 1995 as an animator on the film Space Jam. Since then, he has gone on to work on the following films: The Iron Giant, Spider-Man 2 and 3, Cowboys and Aliens, Where The Wild Things Are, Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, the Avengers and many more. Some of Ryan’s passion projects include the short film Thought of You, and the animated graphic novel Bottom of the Ninth. He currently works at Riot Games on the development of future projects. See more here: http://ryanwoodwardart.com/

Date & Time:
Thursday 29th March from 9.30am – 1pm

Conference Room 3, Guinness Enterprise Centre, Taylors Lane, Dublin 8 (Directions and Map: http://gec.ie/get-in-touch/)

Members: 75 Euro
Non Members: 100 Euro
Please note there are only 25 places on this Master Class.

Application Procedure:
Please register/pay here: http://animationskillnet.ie/event-registration/?ee=193

Deadline for Applications:
Thursday, 22nd March 2018

Course Information


Course Instructor

GarethLee GarethLee Author
This course does not have any sections.