29.09.16 | Introduction to Shotgun (5 Thursday Evenings)

Course Content:

This course will show participants how to set up Shotgun and how to navigate its interface to create, track and organise project entities. Various features of the software will be looked at – including scheduling and assigning tasks, reviewing media, the Shotgun Desktop app and Shotgun Toolkit.

IMPORTANT – Please note this is demo based course. However if participants want to bring a laptop with Shotgun (trial or full version) installed along to the course that’s fine – https://www.shotgunsoftware.com/signup/.

Participant Profile:

This course is aimed at Shotgun novices who want to learn how to use Shotgun for production and file management in a studio environment.

Tutor Info:

Mawusime Blewuada has been working in the visual effects industry for 10 years. She has worked at the London branches of Cinesite and Method Studios and is currently a Pipeline TD at Piranha Bar in Dublin.

Date & Times:

5 Thursday Evenings from 6.30pm-8.30pm, 29th September, 7th October, 13th October, 20th October and 27th October.


Conference Room 3, Guinness Enterprise Centre, Taylors Lane, Dublin 8 (Directions and Map: http://gec.ie/get-in-touch/).


Members: 100 Euro, Non Members: 125 Euro

Payment can be made by credit card online (a link will be sent to you) or by cheque/postal order payable to Animation Skillnet.

Application Procedure:

Please apply by sending an email to: animationskillnet@gmail.com

Deadline for Applications:

Wednesday, 21st September.

Course Information


Course Instructor

GarethLee GarethLee Author
This course does not have any sections.