12.11.2019 | Programming in Python 101

Python is a powerful language that is very accessible to beginners. It’s becoming one of the most popular languages and is used in a lot of applications, web services and even graphics. The course content is applicable to all versions of python, but will be taught through python 3 as it is the most up to date.

Learning to write code can be daunting, especially without having any prior knowledge of how coding works.

The tutor has designed this course in a way that he would have like to be taught when he first learnt Python on his own. There are many unknown factors that are often not addressed, and this will aim to teach not only “how” but “why” it works so that you have the knowledge to build upon and continue learning. Unlike most code courses, this will also teach a basic understanding of how code is run, and how to “debug” when things go wrong.

Course Content:

  • Week 1: Python basics – How to write the basics in python. Keywords: (type, variable, operator, conditional)
  • Week 2: Python environment – A quick look at how computers run commands, covering how to install and import python packages, importing and running your own code. Keywords: (PATH, pip, import)
  • Week 3: Loops and builtins – How to use python to work on datasets, and some handy builtin features of python. Keywords: (for, while, range, enumerate, print)
  • Week 4: Functions and scope – Writing re-usable blocks of code and how to structure it. Time permitting, we’ll make a simple user input game. Keywords: (def, scope)
  • Week 5: Object Oriented Programming – Writing code “objects” for powerful and re-usable workflows. Keywords: (class, object, self, instance)

By the end of this course, you will be able to start writing your own basic python tools, with the knowledge of how to deal with any errors you encounter, and a good outline of how to continue learning.

Participant profile: 

Anyone with an interest in learning programming, or who already knows a little and would like a deeper understanding. No previous knowledge of programming or computer science is required.

Tutor info: 

Matthew Shaw is a self-taught python developer who has been working as a Pipeline Engineer at Boulder Features for 3 years. Originally from an artistic background, working in prop making and architectural modelling for 4 years, he moved into 3D and compositing, studying with Escape Studios in London for a year before returning to Dublin. He took up python as a hobby and has since gone into full time professional development.

Date & Times:

5 Tuesday evenings from 6.30pm-9.30pm; November 12th, November 19th, November 26th, December 3rd and December 10th.


Room 11, ground floor, Guinness Enterprise Centre, Taylors Lane, Dublin 8 (Click for Google Map).


Members: 100 Euro, Non Members: 125 Euro

Application Procedure:

Please apply by sending an email to dc.animationskillnet@gmail.com

Deadline for Applications:

Tuesday 29th October at 12pm

Course Information


Course Instructor

Animation Skillnet Animation Skillnet Author
This course does not have any sections.