Work is an essential feature of our life, giving personal, economic and social value to an individual. It contributes to a person’s identity, particularly those in the creative sector, providing a valuable output for creative work. However, Globally, more than 300 million people suffer from depression, the leading cause of disability, with many of these people also suffering from symptoms of anxiety. A recent WHO-led study estimates that depression and anxiety disorders cost the global economy US$ 1 trillion each year in lost productivity. Workplaces that promote mental health and support people with mental disorders are more likely to reduce absenteeism, increase productivity and benefit from associated economic gains.
Course Content:
This is an informal session, led by Miriam Dowling. Miriam will use examples of her own lived experience with mental illness to make the content more easily understood and relatable.
The course will cover the following:
- Exploring the common myths about mental illness and the impact of stigma
- Gaining an insight into common mental health conditions, their prevalence in the workplace and how to identify them in the work setting
- Understanding issues and responsibilities around disclosure
- Developing the skills for having an effective conversations about mental health
Participant Profile:
This session is aimed at all those working in the animation sector particularly those in team lead and management positions. Maximum number of participants – 20.
Tutor Info:
Miriam is the founder of Mentality, a business set up to tackle the issues relating to mental health and the workplace. Miriam lives with bipolar disorder, and has a valuable insight into how issues around mental health can be best dealt with in the workplace. She recently completed her MBA (HRM) researching the area of disclosure and mental ill health in the workplace. Miriam is currently working with Boulder Media providing workplace mental health training to staff. As a See Change Ambassador, she speaks publicly about her experience of mental health in business and was honoured to speak at the inaugural launch of the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission Strategy Statement in City Hall. She has written for The Journal and the IHREC and sits on the Board of the Irish Advocacy Network. She is also certified in Mental Health First Aid. Miriam is passionate about creating positive mental health culture in Irish Business, setting the standard internationally for best practice and eliminating the stigma attached to mental ill health.
Date & Times:
Thursday 28th June 2pm-5pm
Conference Room 3, Guinness Enterprise Centre, Taylors Lane, Dublin 8 (Directions and Map:
25 Euro
Payment can be made by credit card online (a link will be sent to you) or by cheque/postal order payable to Animation Skillnet.
Application Procedure:
Please apply and pay here:
Deadline for Applications:
Monday, 25th June